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10 Tips On Starting Your Own T-Shirt Business | Suite101.com

Business is good.  - Business Dynamix
Business is good. - Business Dynamix

Starting a t-shirt business can be difficult. But with some pointers, even you can succeed.

Having a t-shirt business is no joke. It requires many skills such as negotiating, partnerships, researching, planning, and much more. However, this guide will hopefully answer most of your questions so that you can get started the right way.

1. Start researching. Before you even start making t-shirts, or coming up with ideas you need to start researching. You need to become knowledgeable on clothing, and different sales techniques. You cant just dive in, you have to gain a full understanding of how the business works. You can do this by going on the internet or reading some books on finance, clothing, or businesses. You should also read up on other companies business strategies to get ahead of the game.

2. Whose side are you on? Start by getting to know your competition. You should keep track of your competitions prices, and promotions so you can get ready to top them. You can do this easily by visiting their website and read up their content. Doing this may also spark up some ideas of your own.

3. Start planning. Planning is one of the hardest stages to come to terms with. Planning involves what kind of t-shirts you plan on selling, your methods for advertisement, finances, long term goals, strategies, and mission statements. At this stage you need to develop some sort of beginning strategy, and decide where you want to be in the future with this business. In this stage you need to decide what kind of t-shirts you want to sell, the color variety, and how you are different from your competitors. You should also be deciding the messages, or designs you want your t-shirts to say. Get an idea or an approximation of what everything is going to cost you, and see if it matches what you are willing to spend.

4. Choose your product. You can now begin browsing the different material you want to customize. This stage is very important because this is what your customer is getting. If your customer isn't satisfied with the quality of your t-shirts the word will be spread. You know how fast rumors can spread on these social networking websites. A goodbusiness plan involves being honest with your customers, and providing the best advice. Before you decide on a particular material you should get opinions from friends and family and feedback to target your audience directly.

5. Make a prototype. You can't fully print 1,000 t-shirts without knowing your if your product is worthy. Make some different designs and make a nice logo. You should also conjure up some ideas for other unique looks that will separate your shirts from the rest of the competition.

6. Finances. Finances. Finances. Finances are the most important thing in this business. You need to approximate what it's going to cost you to produce an x amount of t-shirts. Knowing how much you are willing to spend is absolutely crucial. Check how much it is going to cost by getting some local printing quotes so you can see what it's going to cost you to run this business monthly, and even annually. Don't forget about storage. You need quite a large area to begin the processing stage and to store your shirts. By this stage you should also have an idea on how much you want to sell your t-shirts for. Also, keep in mind on what people are willing to spend these days for a t-shirt.

7. Promoting Your Creation. At this stage you should maybe start reaching out to potential customers throughsocial media networks, or by showing them your prototype. You can even give away some free shirts, or have a monthly giveaway.

8. Partnering. Once you start out on your own, you need to start reaching out so you can maximize your earning potential. You scratch my back, i scratch yours. You need to aim for some good potential candidates that will help boosts your sales by collaborating with them. By joining forces you are now targeting more people, which will boost your earning potential.

9. Quitting Is A Habit. For most, the feeling of not selling anything within the first couple of months is disastrous. However, that's an easy way of getting nowhere. If you feel like quitting, this is the perfect time to change up your design and think of a new business plan. Don't throw in the towel so quickly! Think of how badly you want it, and where you want to be in the near future. Take everything into account, and try your best not to give up even when the road gets rough.

10. Ready. Set. GOAL! Set goals. How many shirts do you want to sell in a month? Where do you want to be? How are you going to do this? You can start by asking yourself these questions. Most people set goals and don't reach it so force yourself to avoid this. If you believe in your business you will succeed. If you know what you're working for, you will strive to get there.

As you can see starting a business is no easy task. It is actually very difficult. As hard as it gets just ry to tough it out and enjoy the ride. As with all businesses you always have to throw in some money, and see if the fish are biting.

Copyright Daniel Morales. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication. Daniel Morales, Daniel Morales

Daniel Morales -

Daniel Morales was involved with professional gamers, and semi-professional gamers during high school.

Source: http://daniel-morales.suite101.com/10-tips-on-starting-your-own-t-shirt-business-a391521

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