শনিবার, ১ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Answers Junction ? How does humanities contribute to ?The Lottery ...

Question by cactusjam: How does humanities contribute to ?The Lottery? story by Shirley Jackson?
All I have are questions after reading this story. Why doesnt anyone rebel? What is the purpose of this ritual? How do any of them justify this ritual? But, really really dont know about the humanities and its contribution, ugh.

Best answer:

Answer by eliza
I was told they they justified the ritual by saying it?s a tradition and that they?ve always done it every year
why doesn?t any 1 rebel? because they justify it
the purpose? to keep the population down

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Source: http://answersjunction.com/arts-entertainment/humanities/how-does-humanities-contribute-to-the-lottery-story-by-shirley-jackson-11.html

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