শুক্রবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

How To Build a Social Good Communications Strategy

Social good is one of most rewarding facets of social media ? we now have a platform where we are not just giving back through our own moral compasses, but we are coming together in the name of making the world a better place.

I?ve seen the power of these opportunities first hand with my own campaign;?Tweet Drive, where we spread smiles (and several thousands of toys) throughout the holiday season to children around the globe.

Like anything though, a good campaign or cause needs planning and especially in social, a communications strategy is everything. Without it, social good really can?t be social. Whether you are a brand looking to give back or an individual passionate about rallying your community, here are some steps to build a strong social good communications strategy.

1. Build your own Army

Before you go and try to communicate with the masses and start a revolution, you need your core. Tap into your own network and use the tools around you to build a cause-passionate army. Bring in a team of people that not only understand social, but the change you are trying to make. If you can bring in a team of champions that will help you cheerlead the brand, your efforts will increase in no time.

Tip: Using Facebook Groups is a great way to build internal communication amongst your champions.

2. Determine What Social Platforms You?ll Use

Many of the social outlets we use everyday can be extremely beneficial to our goals and help reach new audiences. Be careful though, you do not want to spread yourself thin without reasons to be on each platform. Before you start spreading the word, you have to know why you are there and why you are using each network. If you don?t know why, how can I anybody else?

Tip: Explore the networks though ? you never know what purpose you may find for each network!

3. Get Social

It is not enough to say that you?re social or just to set up a bunch of accounts. You are on these channels for conversation and (hopefully) community. You have to communicate across these platforms as a member of the community you wish to be apart of. Your main goal is to get people to act and become involved with your cause ? you have to make them feel heard and important from the very beginning.

Tip: Jump in with a friendly voice and don?t be shy! Don?t worry about talking a lot; you?re trying to change the world ? they?ll understand.

4. Own Your Identity

Starting a philanthropic cause is a very noble and admirable journey. That being said, there is a whole other element to a social good campaign. A social good initiative should remain social and centered around online communication ? otherwise, it loses its charms or uniqueness. Obviously, the most important factor is the giving back, but if you?re going to get involved in social good, you should keep in mind that there is a certain culture surrounding such a campaign. Make sure your communications plan follows that culture ? people will continue to feel involved.

Tip: Its extremely important your volunteers understand the message and culture. You can?t let your ambassadors stray away from the core brand message.

5. Have fun!

Giving back through social good is FUN! Make sure that shines through your communication strategy. If you are transparent, energetic, and authentic, people will gravitate to your cause because they will feel apart of a community that is more than just opening up wallets. Going back to being social, you should create a friendly voice through your efforts ? you?ll start to turn people into champions in no time.

Tip: Innovate! Innovating is fun and I highly suggest trying a strategy that hasn?t been done before. After all, its your cause.


Many of these values can be applied to business in general, but they take on a different purpose with social good. A communications infrastructure focused around being social allows us to build an army of champions in the name of change in ways that were previously not available.

What social good campaigns have stuck out to you?




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Source: http://socialfresh.com/how-to-build-a-social-good-communications-strategy/

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