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Homeschooling and the Issue of Socialization - MBA Education ...

Posted by maryjane | Posted in General | Posted on 30-08-2011

Tags: diets that works, foods that burns fat, ways to lose weight


If we contemplate a well known tragic occurrence at a school in the recent past, we may be able to draw some lessons from it. The well known killings at Columbine High School put the national spotlight on issues such as the social environment at schools. Unfortunately this wasn?t an isolated incident, as similar shootings have since taken place. For years, as a result of those incidents, some schools have metal detectors and full-time police presence. Homeschooling appeals to parents who don?t want to subject their kids to the risks of modern public schools. Naturally, parents who are homeschooling their children should be aware of the importance of socializing their kids and keeping them involved socially and culturally.

It?s necessary for parents to be alert and make sure the home schooled child has enough chances to socialize, as sometimes this may be a challenge. In typical schools, for example, children are faced with a culturally diverse environment. Schools in many countries such as the U.S., for instance, are extremely diverse culturally. The other children at school give kids the chance to learn how their words and actions impact others in the ?real world.?

There is a difference between interacting with siblings and complete strangers. The type of environment in which there are people who are unknown provides opportunities unavailable at home. It seems that a natural part of the home-schooled student?s life is to become more interested in the arts. This is part of their parents efforts to make sure they have a healthy and active social life. This results in homeschooled kids being involved in performing arts classes like dance. Music and art classes are also popular among homeschooled children. Such classes only enhances the intellectual growth and social environment for the child. Concern for this issue is what motivates parents to be more proactive than they would otherwise be.

Another option for introducing your children to others their age is through parks in your area. Man of these organizations offer clubs similar to 4-H as well as team sports. This can augment the other strategies you may be using for helping your child develop their social skills. These organizations offer a positive environment for your children to meet others in their age range. And this effectively addresses most people?s main concern with homeschooling.

The issue of education, homeschooling and socialization is full of complexities.

Provided the parents are dedicated and qualified, they can offer their kids many opportunities -such as individual attention- that a school cannot. But it is clear that the parent/ teacher has enormous additional responsibilities. Children must be given every opportunity to develop socially, as this is something everyone needs. A well-rounded child who is home-schooled could possibly have the best of both worlds.

Robert Kirkland is an specialist within ways to lose weight, foods that burns fat and even diets that work

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Source: http://blackmbauk.org/homeschooling-and-the-issue-of-socialization-9/

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