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ashleecousey - Marriage Relationships ? Keeping It Fresh | NEW ...

A good marriage is a great thing to have. Speak to anybody who has a successful marriage and they admit two things. First that the marriage has always had its ?ups and downs?, and second that both parties have worked hard to make it work.

Good marriages take a lot of hard work. A good marriage relationship doesn?t just happen. It is no accident nor is it magic. It?s just something that always requires your best attention.

Marriage is a sort of continual obstacle course. Some of the obstacles are more challenging than others. Some you get to know how to handle. Experience and commitment count for a great deal in a successful marriage. One thing that you can never do is to take each other for granted. It?s a very easy thing to do. Why? Because life has its pressures. They bear down on a relationship, and it can be very difficult at times.

You need each others? support and to be able to discuss and reason so that you can reach a sensible and equitable solution.

So how do you keep the spark going? How do you keep a marriage fresh? It helps if you are ?best friends?. Couples in good marriages are best friends. You don?t betray a best friend. You don?t deceive a best friend. You trust a best friend. The best friend bond is a supportive bond. It?s the real glue in a successful marriage.

There are however some other matters that sometimes cause an irritation in a marriage, even in a successful marriage. It?s okay being best friends, but it?s important that you don?t let the attraction you have for each other die. It is important to pay attention to this.

Lets? say that you become overweight and you neglect to pay yourself proper attention.

Isn?t that being a little selfish? Don?t you think you partner wants you to look good? You bet they do.

If you want to add back a bit of sparkle in your marriage, lose some weight. Take exercise and start to regain some of that lost youth. Why not examine what you eat? Eat a better diet and shed some weight. Why not think of eating less meat and more fruit and vegetables? Turn over a new leaf and go vegetarian and put real zest back into your relationship.

If you really want to make a difference to your life, lose weight and feel great , you can!

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Source: http://www.divorce-attorney-news.com/newyork/stop-divorce/marriage-relationships-keeping-it-fresh/

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Source: http://ashleecousey.livejournal.com/31576.html

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